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Bret HarteA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Throughout “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” the characters of Oakhurst, Mother Shipton, and the Duchess vacillate in their strengths and their weaknesses, and these many contrasting, evolving character traits highlight the complexity of humanity.
Oakhurst’s equanimity emphasizes his strength as a gambling man. When the outcasts are dumped outside the town’s limits, Oakhurst is unreactive while the others express grievances: “Mother Shipton’s desire to cut somebody’s heart out, to the repeated statements of the Duchess that she would die in the road, and to the alarming oaths that seemed to be bumped out of Uncle Billy as he rode forward” (Paragraph 7). While other outcasts show a certain strength in their open disdain for the committee’s hypocritical tyranny, Oakhurst demonstrates his strength in his emotional restraint. After Oakhurst initially pleads with the others to continue their travels to Sandy Bar, he “alone remained erect, leaning against a rock, calmly surveying them” (Paragraph 9). As the others drink to forget their troubles, Oakhurst alone abstains and stands guard over the group—and, when Tom and Oakhurst keep watch the second night after Uncle Billy steals the mules, Oakhurst ends up keeping most of the watch as he explains he had “often been a week without sleep” (Paragraph 25). Even though his profession—which the town authorities morally condemned—creates this quality in him, that quality is among Oakhurst’s strengths. His vigil evokes an image of a father watching over his family as they sleep.
The idea of “weakness” is associated with Oakhurst only in the story’s final line, but the word’s full meaning is equivocal: “And pulseless and cold, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still calm as in life, beneath the snow lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat” (Paragraph 40). Even in death, his body is “calm,” a trait that once was his most prominent strength. However, his death results from his suicide and displays a side of him that he hid from the rest of the outcasts. Earlier, as the snow buries their campsite and the exiles resign themselves to their fates, “Mr. Oakhurst settled himself coolly to the losing game before him” (Paragraph 30). Oakhurst accepts his imminent death, but unlike the others, he is unwilling to let the dealer dictate how he loses.
Mother Shipton and the Duchess contrast in how they handle conflict, as the hardship of the exile highlights their strengths differently. Mother Shipton releases curses when the escort leaves them, while the Duchess cries frantically. When they turn to alcohol to alleviate their anxiety, Mother Shipton falls asleep, and the Duchess becomes “maudlin” (Paragraph 9). As their plight continues, Mother Shipton—“once the strongest of the party” (Paragraph 30)—becomes physically weakened by her starvation. With her dying words, she is still “querulous,” but she speaks “in a voice of querulous weakness” (Paragraph 30).
The Duchess’s strong emotionality, once seen as weakness by the others (or at least by the stoic Mother Shipton), transforms itself into a strength. As the days pass and the characters understand the severity of their predicament, “[t]he Duchess, more cheerful than she had been, assumed the care of Piney” (Paragraph 30). When she sees the extra firewood, her decision to hide her tears from Piney signals her growth in thinking first of others’ wellbeing. The Duchess remains strong for Piney. The varied strengths and weaknesses of Oakhurst, Mother Shipton, and the Duchess illustrate the complexities and paradoxes of human nature. This story provides the commentary that it is futile to focus on individual traits; that one aspect of someone’s personality does not define a person’s entire moral character.
A theme of moral ambivalence is present from the story’s outset, when Poker Flat’s vigilantes form a committee based in hypocrisy. Because the outcasts’ banishment is a sentence issued by a corrupt party purporting to be virtuous, the irony of the inciting incident immediately announces that the story will involve a subversion of moralistic assumptions. That subversion, which emphasizes the complexity of humanity, suggests a futility in self-righteously assessing others based on appearances.
While the outcasts are imperfect individuals, all but Uncle Billy demonstrate ethical integrity, and the narrative continually undermines simplistic notions of “purity” and “corruption.” Even as the secret committee debates how severely to punish Oakhurst for his gambling, they make little effort to hide that their judgments are informed by whether they’ve lost money to him while they themselves gambled. Moreover, Oakhurst defies the judgmental stereotype of a gambler’s hedonism and impulsivity, as he is among the story’s most reflective and self-disciplined characters. He is also honest and altruistic, as he once won money from Tom but returned it to him, warning the young man to stay away from gambling. Meanwhile, Tom seems to enjoy gambling even more than Oakhurst, as he proudly declares he will “seek his fortune” in Poker Flat (Paragraph 12), meaning he intends to gamble his way to wealth. Tom’s nickname, “the Innocent,” is therefore ironic insofar as he is “guilty” of the same deed for which Oakhurst has been exiled. All these ironies accent a wayward and arbitrary quality in the committee’s sanctimonious jurisprudence.
Tom and Piney contribute uniquely to the story’s irony and moral ambivalence. They introduce a kind of innocence to the condemned lives of the outcasts, but the young couple is there only because they are on a quest of rebellion against Piney’s father, who objected to their marriage. The Poker Flat committee defines corruption partly as “unlawfulness,” and such an elopement would have been unlawful in this historical setting. Still, Tom’s “boyish” salutation and his “giggle” (Paragraph 12) when explaining the elopement suggest the couple is motivated primarily by love and good will, which are typically antithetical to corruption. As Tom and Piney sleep, Oakhurst cannot bring himself to interrupt them: “The Innocent slumbered peacefully, with a smile on his good-humored, freckled face; the virgin Piney slept beside her frailer sisters as sweetly as though attended by celestial guardians” (Paragraph 18). At the end of the story, when Piney tells the Duchess she cannot pray, it indirectly highlights that such outward proprieties and punctilios are unrelated to a person’s moral “purity.” Additionally, while Mother Shipton is ostracized for her ostensible impurity, she is among the most heroic and loving of the outcasts, as she forfeits her life to save Piney’s—and, rather than making this sacrifice in a single grand gesture, she makes it gradually and faithfully with sustained effort, as she repeatedly sets aside her rations for days.
Both luck and sacrifice result in benefit. When a character is lucky, or when they make sacrifices, they can expect a positive outcome. The difference between luck and sacrifice is that luck typically involves inaction, while sacrifice requires not only action but a conscious decision to give up something for a greater good. In “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” how the outcasts manage their misfortune and offer their sacrifices reveals much about the characters, and Harte uses these ideas to explore moral questions.
As a gambler, Oakhurst lives his life relying on luck. This mindset is evident in his view that “[a]ll you know about [luck] for certain is that it’s bound to change. And it’s finding out when it’s going to change that makes you” (Paragraph 25). This philosophy is largely fatalistic and involves waiting on things to come to him, without deliberate action of his own. The statement is a tragic foreshadowing; his one active effort to defy his fate—death by freezing—results in his suicide.
As Tom explains to Oakhurst that he is traveling to Poker Flat “to seek his fortune” (Paragraph 12), the narrator comments that Tom views his chance encounter with Oakhurst as “lucky” (Paragraph 12). Even though Oakhurst tries to discourage Tom from setting up camp with them, Tom refuses to leave, and “unluckily” (Paragraph 13) asserts that they have plenty of supplies to share. Staying with the outcasts ends poorly for Tom and Piney, who become stranded as well. However, Tom’s sacrificial offer to help the others requires a deliberate choice that strengthens his moral character.
After Mother Shipton dies, Oakhurst warns Tom about his chances of saving Piney by traveling to Poker Flat: “There’s one chance in a hundred to save her yet […] If you can reach there in two days she’s safe. ‘And you?’ asked Tom Simson. ‘I’ll stay here,’ was the curt reply” (Paragraph 31). Oakhurst has given up on his luck. He uses “the one chance in a hundred” gambling analogy to let Tom know that he probably will not survive the trip, but he performs two last charitable acts: making snowshoes for Tom and ensuring the extra firewood for the Duchess and Piney to last until Tom’s return. After Oakhurst shoots himself, the narrator cryptically reports that the suicide renders Oakhurst “at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat” (Paragraph 40). The words are paradoxical and subtly ironic: They imply Oakhurst demonstrated immense strength in defying what he believed was his fate of freezing to death, but they also suggest he was “weak” for not holding out hope. With the question of what Oakhurst “should” have done, the double-edged nature of this closing sentence frames the answer as impossible. Oakhurst’s dilemma—idiomatically known as “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”—is common in tragic narratives in which a character is blamed or considered wrong no matter what they choose.
By Bret Harte