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In this chapter, Arendt explores the outcomes of a classless society. According to Arendt, the removal of social classes leads to a sense of isolation which leaves individuals more likely to accept the ideologies of totalitarian movements.
She details several qualities of totalitarian dictators, e.g., they are easily forgotten and full of self-belief. She states that totalitarian leaders must perpetuate the idea that the society is constantly moving forward. In the 20th century, individuals found themselves isolated and longing to be absorbed into a new group. Totalitarian movements need critical mass to achieve their aims, and they found the masses willing to consume their ideology, capitalizing on existing racism and antisemitism, because it created a sense of purpose and community.
Arendt explores how different social groups are absorbed into the totalitarian cause. The social elite and intellectuals are drawn to the movement through its nihilism and criticism of the bourgeoisie. Intellectuals at this time perpetuated the idea of the machinery of Man, meaning that the ultimate morality was to be a part of the masses. The intellectual elite was drawn to the way totalitarian movements unified to shape history, regardless of what the aim was. While intellectuals are drawn to totalitarianism’s nihilistic properties, the mob is drawn to its lawlessness. The mob seeks power without understanding its own powerlessness.
The masses, however, differ from these two groups. Totalitarian movements are beholden to the masses due to their sheer size. Without the support of the masses, Hitler and Stalin could not have risen to power.
In Chapter 11, Arendt explores the power and necessity of propaganda for the totalitarian movement. Propaganda, paired with terror, exert power, control, and influence. However, as was true with imperialism, terror can only reach so far. Propaganda was found to be highly effective and far-reaching.
In concentration camps, there was no need for propaganda. Totalitarian regimes found that the ideas of propaganda only confused the purpose; therefore, in concentration camps, only force was used. Outside of their totalitarian reach, however, Nazis flaunted their violent prowess, making it clear to other nations that they had power. They admitted political crimes publicly and rejected intellectuals and scientists.
Arendt suggests that the efficacy of these tactics proved that facts do not sway the masses; consistency does. Totalitarian governments establish a fiction the masses can consume through “a lying world of consistency” (353). Arendt also theorized that the masses cling to the fiction offered to them by totalitarian propaganda to escape the truth. Nazi propaganda focused on a story of Jewish conspiracy which capitalized on the race-thinking and antisemitism of the previous eras. The Nazi party succeeded in linking, in the minds of the masses, every social ill with the Jewish people. The goal was not to persuade people to view Jews in a particular way necessarily but to organize people within the movement using a shared set of ideals.
Totalitarian governments develop a unique hierarchical organization which places not just the leader but the idea of the leader at its top. It creates a wall which separates party members from the masses. The leader must be able to handle his inner circle, gain and retain loyalty, and maintain public interest with the use of secrets and rituals.
Chapter 12 examines what happens to a totalitarian regime once it has seized power. Arendt suggests that totalitarian governments face a unique paradox because they must maintain the momentum of the movement and its consistency using a framework of everyday government while avoiding a normalization which would undermine the ideology of the necessity of totalitarianism. Totalitarian rulers must rule without giving the impression of governmental rule.
According to Arendt, all totalitarian governments seek to bring into reality the aims of the movements themselves, which is world domination. She asserts that Nazi and Bolshevik literature reveal that these governments based their decisions upon the assumption that, at some point in the future, their aim would be achieved. Therefore, totalitarian rulers must find a way to balance the goal of domination with everyday governance, all while avoiding the stability that would render the movement itself no longer necessary.
Arendt outlines how Stalin and Hitler accomplished this. Stalin erected a shadow government and established the secret police, while Hitler created parallel offices for every government office, stripping the original of any power. Hitler also created other offices which rose to power in the hierarchy of government, including one which pursued scientific antisemitism.
The nature of totalitarianism makes it difficult to declare a leader’s successor; yet totalitarianism is only successful through the dynamism of its leader. A totalitarian dictator must lie while exuding both callousness and competence. The secret police, Arendt shows, is a highly effective way of managing this because the organization of the secret police shifts the way society views criminals and crime. In contrast, concentration camps serve as the realized dream of totalitarian rule. Arendt outlines the horror of concentration camps and urges confronting that horror rather than turning away from it. Arendt believes that the fear of these camps might inoculate people from another totalitarian rule.
Arendt suggests that totalitarianism in Germany and Russia were not isolated incidents; totalitarianism is the story of mankind. The acquisition of power lies at the heart of mankind’s struggle, and the retention of that power through fear has always been a part of government. Arendt suggests that the narrative of Nazi and Stalinist totalitarian movements hearkens to the age-old story of mankind. However, she also suggests that totalitarian movements are ultimately unsustainable. Continuous movement is so important that there is no finality or stasis to a totalitarian rule. Arendt cites the example of a government based upon the killing of peoples. Even if world domination is achieved and all humans are the subject of this totalitarian movement, the killing would have to continue. Totalitarian movements are only successful so long as they are in motion.
The perfect image of totalitarianism is one in which all men become One Man, and terror is the only operation needed to maintain order and motion and everything is else is guided by ideology. Arendt identifies three totalitarian elements in ideologies. First, like totalitarian rule, ideologies are about motion. They look to history and to the future but rarely say anything about the present. They must constantly be in motion and perpetuate the idea that they are, at their core, a movement which requires activism. Second, ideologies are not connected to reality. They are more concerned with mood, and the movements must continue to project the mood of their ideologies over the reality of experience. Totalitarian rulers use fiction to give a sense of consistency. Third, ideologies are powerless; they cannot alter reality. They are ideas that lack the ability to act.
Arendt ends the book by re-examining a question brought up in the first chapter—that is, the question of what conditions cause men to seek out and be ruled by ideology and terror. Arendt’s answer is isolation and loneliness. Through isolation, people are separated and therefore powerless. Through loneliness, they feel deserted to such a degree that they lose their sense of self. Arendt asserts that loneliness is the greatest contributing factor to whether individuals will succumb to the ideologies of totalitarianism and absorb into the masses. She cautions that loneliness has become a widespread problem. She ends on a positive note, however, by stating that each ending gives rise to a new beginning, securing hope that the end of the Nazi and Bolshevik movements may give rise to an era which eradicates the loneliness that fostered the movements in the first place.
Arendt suggests that loneliness is the dominant factor for totalitarian influence, an important theme in the book. In Chapter 13, Arendt closes by explaining that loneliness was once rare but is now a normal feature of the modern world. Totalitarian movements prey on loneliness because they create a system of ideologies in which the individual can absorb and feel a sense of community. Totalitarian regimes dissolve the idea of social classes, and individuals are left without their previous identities. Tribal nationalism and totalitarian ideologies act as a replacement for those previous identities, and the individuals can be absorbed by the masses. Arendt suggests that totalitarian governments are completely dependent upon the support and loyalty of the masses.
Totalitarian governments find it extremely difficult to continue the motion necessary to uphold the original ideologies which solidified their power in the first place. Totalitarian rulers must find a way to operate without giving a sense of security or normalcy. Totalitarian movements are effective because they are movements; they incite a sense of purpose and activism. Should that movement become stagnant, the foundation upon which that government is built crumbles. Therefore, Arendt suggests that totalitarian governments engage in a continuous cycle of loneliness and isolation. They prey upon the lonely to recruit for the masses, but the nature of the totalitarian way of life is one of loneliness and isolation.
Totalitarian governments utilize propaganda and terror to control the masses and to continuously re-engage them in the ideologies that unite their agendas. Nazi and Bolshevik movements found an established ideology of antisemitism easy to weaponize. Throughout their reign, these movements utilized antisemitism to lay blame for any ailments or issues that occurred on Jewish people, an already marginalized group. Scapegoating was a means of deferring blame and capitalizing on existing racism. Totalitarianism did not create the idea of antisemitism, yet 20th century totalitarianism’s antisemitic focus was not random. It was a conscious and intentional choice to organize and mobilize the masses based upon a pre-history of antisemitism that existed long before the totalitarian regimes took power.
Tribal nationalism does not offer a community in which human rights are granted. It is a false community with no real advantages. At all times, a member of a totalitarian government must be ready to turn on his community and be turned on. He can never feel secure amongst his peers. His only security is the ideologies which are perpetuated through terror and propaganda, and these ideologies are loosely formed and ever shifting. Arendt suggests that a community like this always has a shelf life: “Since power is essentially only a means to an end a community based solely on power must decay in the calm of order and stability; its complete security reveals that it is built on sand” (142). Ultimately, Arendt says that a totalitarian movement soon discovers that a totalitarian government is unsustainable. The use of consistency through fiction, scientific racism, and terror can prolong the life of the totalitarian government, but its foundation is too soft to support a lasting regime.
Arendt says that the real danger in the world is not that totalitarian movements will create a lasting government that will succeed in world domination: “Totalitarian domination, like tyranny, bears the germs of its own destruction” (478). Instead, the danger is the loneliness that gives rise to totalitarianism. Arendt suggests that this loneliness poses the greatest threat to humankind
By Hannah Arendt
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