The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
- Genre: Fiction; middle grade adventure
- Originally Published: 2006
- Reading Level/Interest: Lexile 700L; grades 2-5
- Structure/Length: 27 chapters; approx. 240 pages; approx. 1 hours, 55 minutes on audio
- Protagonist/Central Conflict: Edward Tulane is a china rabbit that lives with a girl named Abilene, who takes very good care of him. When he is lost, Edward goes on an incredible journey from the ocean to a fisherman’s net to a fireside camp and back, learning to love and lose and love again in a world that can be miserable and cruel.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Derogatory reference to unhoused individuals
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:
- The Connection Between Love and Loss
- Having a Voice Through the Power of Story
- Love as the Meaning of Life
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:
- Develop an understanding of the literary and social contexts regarding journeys that incite Edward’s conflict.
- Study paired texts and other brief resources to make connections via the text’s themes of The Connection Between Love and Loss, Having a Voice Through the Power of Story, and Love as the Meaning of Life.
- Describe and collect memorabilia that are symbolic of Edward’s journey based on textual details.
- Analyze and evaluate the plot and character details to draw conclusions in structured essay responses regarding stars, Edward’s mobility, and other topics.