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Elizabeth KostovaA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The narrator boards the train for France, carrying a silver knife and the packet of letters from her father. She resumes his story by reading the letters.
Helen and Paul arrive in Istanbul, and Helen remarks on its similarities with Romania. They do not know where Sultan Mehmed II’s archives are located, but they know it is near the Hagia Sofia. Helen talks about the conquest of Constantinople (now Istanbul) by the Ottomans, who could be as brutal as Vlad Ţepeş. They tour the Hagia Sofia, musing on the history the great building encompasses.
At a restaurant, they meet Dr. Turgut Bora, who is dining alone; they invite him to join them and find him a repository of information. He is a scholar of Shakespeare and speaks fluent English, but he is also well-versed in vampire lore: When a Romani woman approaches Helen in the café, hissing at her about vampires, Turgut suggests that they talk further.
The narrator dozes off and decides to put away the letters. She is startled awake by the frowning presence of Barley.
Barley is upset with her for slipping away; he knows he will be held accountable for her absence or potential injury. The narrator is secretly relieved to see him. When he asks her why she ran off, she says that the story is complicated.
Dr. Bora gifts Paul and Helen a talisman to deflect evil. He says that he knows a great deal about the legend and reality of Dracula. He believes that Dracula is significant to the history of Istanbul itself: The sultans feared Dracula, and Bora has the documents in the archive mentioned by Rossi. Bora says that he became interested in vampire mythology after finding an antiquated book with a woodcut of a dragon imprinted across it.
The narrator tells Barley the stories from her father and Rossi. He accepts these without question, citing some connection to Master James, his mentor at Oxford.
Bora’s admission of having another book shocks Paul; it seems a very strange coincidence. Though Paul is suspicious, Bora can help them find the archives, and they will meet at the restaurant in the morning.
Paul and Helen are early, so they walk along the streets like tourists. They happen upon a chess game in the plaza and find a brimming book stall. When they meet Bora, they follow him to the annex that houses the sultan’s archives. The librarian brings them a box, marked at the top with a label, “Here is evil” (217). The librarian says that the box was locked in 1930—around the time of Rossi’s letters.
Barley reads Paul’s letters alongside the narrator, and she narrator admires his worldliness; she is attracted to him and to university life. When the train stops at the station in Brussels, the narrator observes a woman on the platform who seems to be looking for someone.
Paul, Helen, and Bora open the box to the scent of old documents. Bora translates for them, noting that the war with the Order of the Dragon was expensive for the sultan. He finds the map that Rossi copied, saying he has never been able to understand it. They also find the bibliography of the Order of the Dragon—the notation in Rossi’s materials that intrigued Paul. The books it lists are unusual: rare books on torture and heretical books, most published after the death of Vlad Ţepeş. Paul notices the name of his mentor, followed by a Latin phrase. Bora, too, knows of Bartholomew Rossi.
The narrator wakes from a deep sleep, still determined to find her father. Barley bemoans her stubbornness but suggests that they hop off in Paris to get sandwiches.
While they look for sandwiches, Barley suggests they ask about the schedule for the train to Perpignan. The narrator is surprised: She did not share her final destination. Barley saw the book her father was reading about the Pyrénées-Orientales.
Bora has never met Rossi, but the previous librarian at the archives told him about the foreign professor who was disturbed by the contents of the sultan’s box. A few days later, the librarian found a man with blood on his mouth perusing the same material. So, the librarian locked up the material for safekeeping. Bora wrote to Rossi, but Rossi claimed to know nothing of the materials.
Rossi’s name on the bibliography was added recently, Bora claims. The Latin phrase following it means something akin to “the ghost in the amphora.” Paul remembers that Rossi was working on an article of that title. Mr. Erozan, the current librarian, tells Bora that someone was looking at the archives yesterday and again today, upset that others were looking through the box.
Bora assures Paul that he has copied the materials in the sultan’s box. Paul believes that they are the key to finding Rossi.
The narrator and Barley board a train to Perpignan. She is tired, so Barley leaves her to sleep while he goes up to the dining car. When the narrator wakes, she realizes that a man, dressed all in black, sits across from her, his face hidden behind a newspaper. He never turns a page.
Paul and Helen follow Bora to his apartment. Paul now believes they can trust him fully, and he shares the full story of Rossi. Bora believes that “Rossi was punished for something” (240) and insists that he will be found if he is in Istanbul. Bora believes that the coincidence of their meeting, and the three antiquated dragon books, is reason to hope for the best.
The stranger in black asks the narrator where her father is. She bolts out of the compartment, leaving their luggage behind. She finds Barley, who suggests they get off at the next station to trick him into following. They will jump back on the train at the last moment. But the stranger re-boards the train, and the narrator and Barley are stuck at the isolated station. The narrator sees the stranger angrily staring out at them from the windows.
Bora ushers Paul and Helen into his study. Paul is astounded to see images of Vlad Ţepeş everywhere; Bora has a composite of all the images in one striking portrait. He also has a surplus of old instruments used to hunt vampires, like a silver dagger and knife. The room is festooned with garlic.
They examine the identical dragon books side by side. Bora’s wife offers them dinner, but Helen says that they have another appointment. Paul is confused but follows her lead. He registers how much Helen resembles the portrait in Bora’s study.
The next train does not arrive until the morning, so the narrator and Barley take refuge at a nearby farm. The narrator is anxious that Dracula is ahead of them, on his way to Saint-Matthieu. She is sure that is where her father is. Though she is angry with Barley at first, she realizes that he believes their unlikely story.
Helen has pulled them away from Bora to discuss their plans. She suggests that they travel to Hungary to talk to her mother. Helen’s aunt has connections within the communist government and can arrange for their safe passage. Their cover story is that they are working on an article about the Ottoman conquests in Europe.
They decide to return to the Hagia Sofia and talk about the possibility that Dracula’s tomb is somewhere in the city. Paul notices that the same man from the archives is watching them. He realizes that it is the dead librarian; he followed them from America.
The narrator recollects some photographs of her father before she was born: He looks young and carefree. Ever since the narrator has known her father, his once-bronze hair has always been white.
Paul cannot sleep, knowing that the vampiric librarian is following them, perhaps drawn to Helen’s bite. The next morning, he leaves her to sleep and goes downstairs. Bora is there, and they look through materials Bora retrieved from his bookseller friend, Selim Aksoy. Aksoy is an expert Turkish historian, especially of Istanbul. In one of the books from Aksoy’s collection, Bora finds a letter written about a mysterious plague in Istanbul in the late-15th century—after Vlad Ţepeş died. A particular grave in Snagov was searched, but nothing was found. The signature was torn off. There is clearly a connection between Istanbul and Dracula.
Aksoy joins them, and Paul recognizes him as the bookseller he and Helen saw while walking the city. Paul retrieves Helen from the room, and they all walk to the sultan’s archives. The dead librarian from America is waiting for them. Before he can attack, Helen shoots him.
Paul is stunned; he was not aware that Helen carried a gun. The librarian runs, and Helen shoots him twice more, but it is pointless, as he is undead. Helen says that her gun carries silver bullets, but she missed his heart. In the aftermath, they find the contents of the sultan’s box scattered everywhere. Mr. Erozan has been bitten. When Helen pulls out her crucifix to test the extent of his contamination, Bora stops her. In the Islamic world, they have their own religious instruments. Mr. Erozan recoils at first but eventually comes around; if he is not attacked again, he should recover.
The maps are gone, but Bora has copies. Paul is convinced that Rossi is at Dracula’s tomb. The dead librarian was likely headed there. Aksoy shows them more documents, which record a plague in Istanbul in 1477, a year after Vlad is killed in battle. It also notes the arrival of a group of monks from the Carpathians who “begged for asylum” in Istanbul (280). The tomb at Snagov was investigated the same year, and they must uncover the link.
The narrator cannot sleep. She wonders what she would do if something happened to her father. She looks outside the window and thinks she sees wings and a tail disappearing into the sky.
Once Mr. Erozan is settled—and a guard is posted to keep watch over him—Bora and Paul discuss an alleged lost work of Shakespeare, The King of Tashkani. Set in a fictionalized Istanbul, the play stars a ghost named Dracole who encourages the new king to drink the blood of his recently conquered people. Whether it is authentically Shakespeare, it is further evidence for Bora that Dracula left some sort of “legacy of vampirism” in the city (288). Bora also tells Paul about his encounter with what he believes was a vampire: A waiter noticed the name Rossi on a letter Bora was reading. Bora noticed his unnatural smell. As Bora stirred the tea, he saw a dragon rising in the steam.
Paul informs Bora that he and Helen will go to Budapest. Bora gives him a vampire-hunting kit for protection. He promises to keep looking in Istanbul for any sign of Dracula or his tomb.
In this section, the letters bestowed to the narrator by her father represent the most significant part of her unusual heritage, representing The Perils of Inheritance. More than any material wealth, this inheritance speaks to the richness of his, and now her, history; the letters signify the preservation of an unparalleled archive. Her survival depends upon such knowledge, as he implicitly acknowledges: “Now I fear I may not manage to tell you all you should know of your heritage before I am either silenced [...] or fall prey again to my own silences” (187). Knowledge functions as another layer of protection, akin to the silver dagger, pockets full of garlic, and crucifix around her neck, which speaks to the theme of Historians and the Search for Truth and the power of knowledge.
History itself comes vividly to life throughout this section of the book. When Paul and Helen peruse the materials in the sultan’s box, they are struck by the authenticity of the accounts: “This corner of history was as real as the tiled floor under our feet or the wooden tabletop under our fingers. The people to whom it happened had actually lived and breathed and felt and thought and then died, as we did—as we would” (221-22). In this way, the paradox of history is highlighted: These archives are immortal, though the people who lived to write about them, to store them, and to research them are not. The search for Dracula becomes a meditation on mortality and immortality; Dracula is more akin to the history in the box than to the people who seek him, suggesting that as long as history continues, so will, in a sense, Dracula, even if they find and kill him. This also foreshadows the stated inheritance of the reader as keeping the narrator’s stories, and thus the hunt for Dracula, alive. The text plays with the idea of immortality for all—people, ideas—if someone is there to preserve a legacy, which further bends Dracula’s own immortality and posits that he is kept alive partly because of his knowledge of, and function within, history.
Dracula, like history, is also a paradox, as Paul points out. When he and Helen first meet Bora, their discussion of Dracula takes a different perspective, highlighting the theme of Cultural Tension Between the East and the West and the ways stories are told based on bias. That is, Dracula practiced “barbaric rituals of violence” in his faraway, isolated land, while the sultan’s subjects lived in a “cosmopolitan world” (207). In comparison to the sophistication of Istanbul at the time, Vlad Ţepeş ruled a primitive frontier: “Viewed from the center of culture […] he looked like a backwoods thug, a provincial ogre, a medieval redneck” (207). Instead of the elegant prince of Western legend, Vlad Dracula was merely an uncultured brute—at least from the sultan’s point of view.
Dracula is also portrayed as a contamination, a corruption, and a plague (See: Symbols & Motifs). As Bora puts it, “[h]e left behind him contamination in our empire” (205), meaning the Ottoman Empire. The implications are complex: On the one hand, this implies that Dracula’s initial adherence to Christian beliefs renders him corrupt in the Islamic empire. The conflict between the East (represented by Islam, Istanbul, and Communism) and the West (represented by Christianity, the US, and democracy) reinforces many tensions within the novel, as explored in Cultural Tension Between the East and the West. This conflict is also furthered by Bora’s insistence that an Islamic versus Christian symbol (the crucifix) is used to test the level of vampiric contamination. On the other hand, his unnatural life itself represents an incomprehensible evil, something outside of the moral universe: If all beings must die, then Dracula symbolizes the denunciation of natural law—whether Christian, Muslim, or other. When Mr. Erozan is bitten, Helen announces, “He has been polluted” (277)—as she herself has been. His presence in Istanbul is registered as a plague. To deny or defy the rules that govern all life is not only to corrupt the blood or the body but also the soul, thus complicating the idea of the vampire. Further, when the strange man in black, who the narrator presumes is Dracula, watches angrily from the train, there is a humanness to him: The Dracula of the text is not invincible, but rather acts as a human-like villain who does not leap from trains or murder his enemies even when they sit in the same train car. Instead, those he bites and transforms enact greater violence, foreshadowing Dracula’s interest in his own hunters, particularly Rossi.
Throughout their explorations of evil, however, Paul and Helen also discover the beauty inherent in the mixing of cultures. This kind of syncretism defines Istanbul itself and belies the assumption that the West and the East are always at war, symbolically or otherwise. Instead, Istanbul represents “a marriage of Roman wealth and early Christian mysticism” (190). It is not only a collision, and fusion, of cultures, but also an intermingling of different eras. History accretes in layers, like the legend of Dracula himself.
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