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The events in Devils take place almost entirely in the town of Skvoreshniki. In the context of the novel, the town functions as a symbolic microcosm for Russian society as a whole. The wealthy elites of the town live in lavish comfort at the expense of the more impoverished townspeople. This inequality is rampant and barely acknowledged by the wealthy people like Varvara or Yulia. Instead of addressing the inequality, they would rather throw lavish literary events to raise money for the same governesses who they underpay. The structural and institutional inequalities of Russian society are visible in the makeup of the town, explaining why people such as Peter can whip up revolutionary fervor with ease.
The people of Skvoreshniki are also symbolic of the attitudes and actions that were prevalent at the time in Russian society. The inequality and the lack of social mobility were recognized issues among younger generations, but the inaction of the older generation created a constant sense of social friction. This friction is embodied in the man who governs Skvoreshniki, Von Lembke, as well as the area’s wealthiest landowner, Varvara. Von Lembke is a man who is reluctant to govern. He is cowed by his ambitious wife and driven to the point of collapse by the younger generations and their insistence on change. Meanwhile, Varvara constantly seeks ways in which to excuse her son’s behavior and deliberately chooses to ignore his many crimes. The insistence on inaction and the ignorance of reality are traits that are found throughout the people of Skvoreshniki. The town itself symbolizes the dominant social attitudes that caused so many problems in Dostoevsky’s Russia.
At times, characters attempt to remove themselves from Skvoreshniki. Stavrogin goes to Switzerland and Stepan sets out on the road without any real direction. Both journeys are prompted by moments of social chaos. The need to leave Skvoreshniki is driven by desperation, as the characters attempt to navigate the foreboding social order that seems suddenly hostile to their presence. To remove themselves from Skvoreshniki is to remove themselves—at least temporarily—from the judgment of the community. The pressure-cooker atmosphere of the small town is given some relief, but departure from Skvoreshniki ends badly for both men. Stepan contracts a fever and dies a short distance away while Stavrogin returns to the town, whereupon he sinks into a spiral of self-destructive behavior. Neither man can truly escape Skvoreshniki, symbolizing the way in which they cannot escape themselves.
Despite the chaos caused by Peter and his revolutionaries—the riots in the streets and the burning of large swathes of the town, the many deaths and murders—nothing in Skvoreshniki changes. By the end of the novel, the same social order remains in place. Varvara, for all the tragedies in her life, is still the wealthiest landowner. The fixed social hierarchy remains in place. Varvara can offer help to desperate women like Sofya, but only in the form of a small job in her household. She ratifies the social order, even after everything that she has seen. The way in which nothing changes in Skvoreshniki symbolizes the difficulty of social change and the struggles that lay ahead for any revolutionary organization.
Literature and language are motifs that play an important role in Devils, not least because the characters themselves place a huge importance on learning, reading, and books. The disconnect between different generations’ views of the symbolism of literacy and language demonstrate the unresolvable differences that make Skvoreshniki such a hotbed for revolutionary ideas.
For men like Stepan, literature and language symbolize a heightened morality. Stepan is a somewhat archaic figure. His ideas are outdated and one of the ways in which he distinguishes himself from the other characters is the way in which he peppers his speech with French. He switches between languages as he searches for the best way in which to express himself. His bilingualism also hints at his pretentious attitudes, as he is keen for the rest of the world to know that he is an educated man. To Stepan, an educated man is a good man. Given the pathetic nature of his life and the regrets he feels for treating his son so badly, Stepan’s need to appear to be a good person is strong. He is almost performative in the way in which he shows off his literacy and his language skills, desperately ensuring that everyone regards him as intelligent. However, his view of intelligence is as outdated as his views on philosophy. The younger generation mocks him for his performative use of language, not sharing his views on intellectualism and morality.
The prevalence of these revolutionary ideas is similarly tied to literacy. Radicals like Shigalyov are educated men, who demonstrate their intellectualism through their grasp of the latest editions of the revolutionary texts. Even a man like Shatov—who has become disillusioned with the revolution—was once the operator of a printing press that distributed radical literature to the masses with the aim of stoking a revolution. Books, pamphlets, and other forms of media are used to convey radical ideas from one person to another. These literary mediums symbolize the way in which ideas propagate and spread. Von Lembke is terrified of the pamphlets because, to him, they represent a catastrophe waiting to happen. If Stepan believed that literature and language were symbols of intelligence and his integration into the status quo, then the younger generation have a very different view. The younger generation is more practical and less reverential: To them, literary mediums and rhetorical language are a means to an end.
While Stepan and Peter have incompatible views of literature and language, other characters show a complete lack of interest in literature but a keen interest in its power as a symbol. Yulia is not particularly well-read. She is not particularly intelligent, as she is easily manipulated by Peter. He convinces her to throw a literary festival, and she hopes that her proximity to this literary festival will raise her social standing. Yulia has a similarly reverential view of literature to Stepan, associating it with a certain cultural cache, but she shares the younger generation’s cynical desire to exploit it for a personal end. In an ironic twist, the festival is a disaster. Yulia had hoped that the event would solidify her standing in the social order, but the end result is quite the opposite. She is embarrassed by insulting poems, boring speakers, and unrefined guests. Even her ball is broken up by the breakout of a fire across the river. Like the burning buildings, her reputation is similarly in flames. To Yulia, literature symbolized a short cut to social credibility. Her lack of understanding of literature, however, meant that she was unable to avert the disaster.
Guns have numerous symbolic meanings in Devils. The first time that a gun is wielded in anger is during Stavrogin’s duel with Gaganov. Rather than a violent gun fight, the duel is a carefully-orchestrated demonstration of social etiquette. There are rules that both men know they must follow and, even when Gaganov is infuriated, they adhere to. In the context of the duel, the guns that the men wield symbolize the ease with which violence is folded into the social fabric of contemporary life. The guns are highly specialized weapons of death, but they have become just another part of the vocabulary of Russian polite society, with rules and manners governing their use at all times. Gaganov desperately wants to kill Stavrogin but he does not dare break the rules that govern the duel. He stands before his enemy with a gun in his hand, but he refuses to simply gun Stavrogin down in cold blood. The way in which Gaganov treats his dueling pistol symbolizes the importance of etiquette in Russian society, as it is able to overcome even a fierce desire for vengeance. Violence is just an extension of this social etiquette, and the inherently violent power of the pistol is the most extreme demonstration of the way in which social rules and manners have a hold over the existence of these characters.
Peter’s attitude toward guns signifies his break from society. While men like Stavrogin play by the rules, Peter does whatever suits him in the moment. After being humiliated by Fedka, he guns down the criminal. After deciding that Shatov must die, he murders his former friend and comrade. Even as his fellow revolutionaries plead with him for mercy or to hold a trial, Peter wields his weapon in a decisive manner. He even convinces Kirillov to die by suicide using a pistol, placing his symbolic weapon in the hands of another man to ensure that his own petty objectives are accomplished. His gun empowers him with the authority over life and death, just as he has given himself the same authority to collapse the social order in the town. For Peter, all that matters is his own selfish desire and the gun gives him the power to seize this for himself. Peter brings about chaos in the town to suit his own personal ends, rather than for some grand ideological reason. He wields his gun in exactly the same manner, turning his weapon into a symbol of his own hollow radicalism.
By Fyodor Dostoevsky
Allegories of Modern Life
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