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Steven PinkerA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Pinker states that poverty needs no explanation because the forces of entropy and evolution guarantee that it will exist but that, in contrast, wealth is never a given. The author notes that nostalgically romanticizing past eras as “golden ages of pastoral simplicity” (79) is easy but that they should be remembered more for the devastating poverty most people endured. Pinker again quotes historians Norberg and Cipolla, who reflected on how in previous centuries poor Europeans were often consigned to workhouses, where they performed slave labor or even sold themselves into slavery for a chance of survival. Happily, Pinker explains, the world’s wealth has vastly increased since the 1800s; he refers to a graph that combines all the world’s currencies as a kind of hypothetical international dollar. Pinker credits the Enlightenment for debunking the fallacy that the world has a stagnant amount of wealth, instead revealing that “wealth is created […] primarily by knowledge and cooperation” (80).
The author investigates the causes behind this explosion in wealth. He accepts Adam Smith’s argument that a society’s institutions are an essential aspect of generating wealth and recalls Britain’s 1700s transition to an open economy:
[A]nyone could sell anything to anyone, and their transactions were protected by the rule of law, property rights, enforceable contracts, and institutions like banks, corporations and government agencies that run by fiduciary duties rather than personal connections (83).
Over time, business’ reputation as “tawdry” changed as philosophers praised commerce’s ability to join people of different backgrounds in respectful and mutually beneficial financial arrangements. In the 19th century, Britain and the Netherlands led the way in the “great escape” from poverty, which then spread across Europe and has now reached numerous other countries such as South Korea, Mongolia, Rwanda, and Vietnam. Around the world, people are becoming wealthier, and extreme poverty is slowly disappearing as more people join the middle class. From 1820 to 2015, the percentage of people living in extreme poverty plummeted from 90% to about 10%.
Highlighting the theme The Relationship Between Bias, Pessimism, and Declinism, Pinker notes the UN not only achieved its millennium goal to cut poverty in half by 2000 but reached it five years ahead of time, surprising many cynics. While extreme poverty continues to afflict hundreds of millions, Pinker claims that with more work, we could end it within the next few decades. In noting people’s shock at the UN’s success, Pinker reiterates how pessimistic worldviews are common yet unfounded.
Pinker examines the reasons for the rapid decrease in extreme poverty, identifying the decline of communist governments and policies in China and Eastern Europe as one reason because it shifted totalitarian economies toward market economies. Capitalism, especially when carefully managed by governments that invest in education, agriculture, health care, and other social services, helps generate wealth and thereby reduce poverty. The end of the Cold War and the spread of democracy in the 1990s and 2000s helped reduce the poverty resulting from poor totalitarian leadership. Pinker claims that globalization helped advance economies even further by expanding trade networks and making them more efficient. The author argues that globalization has generally positive effects: “[G]lobalization, development analysts agree, has been a bonanza for the poor” (92). However, Pinker acknowledges that the industrialization of developing countries has had negative consequences for some people, such as harsh working conditions.
He draws parallels between the industrializing nations of today and 1800s Britain, whose industrial mills and manufacturing drew strong criticism from romantic thinkers of that time. For example, William Blake hated the “dark satanic” mills that employed thousands of workers. Pinker argues that while industrialization wasn’t pretty, it offered poor workers a better alternative to low-paying rural labor, which is why so many moved to the cities to work in factories. The working poor in developing countries often face the same options and, likewise, choose factory jobs. Additionally, these jobs often enable women to earn a wage, which bolstered women’s independence in the 19th-century US and has a similar effect on women in developing countries today. Pinker rejects the notion that defending industrialization means accepting harsh treatment of workers or inhumane working conditions: “Today there are doubtless factories in the developing world that could offer as many jobs and still turn a profit while treating their workers more humanely” (94). He cites trade negotiations and consumer protests as useful methods to help improve working conditions.
Advances in science and technology are the last factor he cites as reducing poverty globally. Technology makes life less expensive and more convenient worldwide. Cell phones, for example, are “a major generator of wealth” (94). He cites a study in which fishermen in South India used their cell phones to determine where to sell their catch for the highest price, helping them increase their profits and better serve nearby communities. Pinker defends his reliance on countries’ GDP to measure wealth. He claims that GDP strongly “correlates with every other measure of human flourishing” (95), including education levels, health, lifespan, freedoms, and other quality-of-life measures. Pinker’s thorough examination of the causes of the world’s increasing wealth helps paint a holistic picture of the global economic landscape’s dramatic transformation over the last two centuries.
Pinker calls inequality a hot-button topic that the Great Recession of 2007 and the Occupy Wall Street movement it prompted made especially relevant. Many believe that the richest 1% of society hoard too much wealth, impoverishing the rest of the population. Pinker admits that “economic inequality undoubtedly has increased in most western countries” (97) in the last few decades. The Gini coefficient, a measure of inequality, gives a 0 rating to a society in which everyone has exactly the same amount. Scandinavian countries rate about a 0.25, while less egalitarian South Africa is at 0.7. In recent decades, this rating has increased in the US. Pinker notes that analyzing inequality is famously difficult but claims that he’ll disprove “dystopian” narratives about the failure of modern society.
He argues that inequality isn’t morally wrong; it’s poverty that is immoral. To illustrate his point, he references an old Russian joke: Two peasants work hard to survive; one is slightly better off because he owns a goat. When a genie grants the more impoverished peasant a wish, he wishes for his neighbor’s goat to die. With his wish fulfilled, the men are now truly equal, but neither is any better off. This humorous illustration helps reveal the poor logic that sometimes fuels the desire for total equality. He expands on the point by explaining that if everyone has enough to live well and comfortably, the wealth of others doesn’t matter: “What is morally important is that each should have enough” (98). This illustration, and Pinker’s clarifications about poverty versus inequality, help expose the differences between these societal phenomena and help Pinker avoid appearing callous or unconcerned about poverty while generating interest in the difference.
Pinker observes that many people’s sense of well-being and happiness relies on having as much as others, which social psychology refers to as “status anxiety.” Pinker challenges the theory set out by the authors of The Spirit Level, who contend that social inequality is a major cause of various social ills, from homicide and imprisonment to physical and mental health conditions to drug abuse. The author rejects this as a “problematic” theory resulting from a “tangle of correlations” (100). In taking on this opposing theory, Pinker anticipates possible criticism and points out flaws in his peers’ research. His penchant for quantitative research helps him show that correlation isn’t causation and that The Spirit Level hasn’t adequately proven that inequality in itself is a real cause of social problems.
The author notes that inegalitarian nations like Singapore are “socially healthier” than slightly richer, more egalitarian countries in Eastern Europe. He cites sociologists Jonathan Kelley and Mariah Evans’ study on 200 thousand people over three decades, which showed that people in unequal societies are happier than those in more equal ones. Pinker attributes this data to people’s sense of hope and aspirations that increasing education, new opportunities, and hard work may pay off later in life. He cites another major review, which claims that people prefer unequal societies if the wealth distribution seems logical and meritocratic.
Pinker claims that hunter-gatherer societies are less egalitarian than thinkers such as Marx claimed, particularly sedentary (non-nomadic) communities that can accumulate and store wealth. He points to the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest as an example because they owned slaves, had various statuses, and accumulated wealth that the elites shared in potlatches. Pinker references a study showing that wealth distribution in hunter-gatherer societies isn’t particularly egalitarian, with a Gini rating of 0.33. This anthropological perspective helps Pinker show that inequality is natural and inherent—and doesn’t automatically have an ill effect on happiness. This helps support the author’s point that inequality—and people’s awareness about it—is universal across all societies. He reiterates that inequality isn’t equivalent to high rates of poverty because as countries get richer, they inevitably become less equal as people move into the middle or upper class.
Pinker refers to economist Walter Scheidel’s Four Horsemen of Leveling: wars, pandemics, state collapse, and revolution. These forces decimate everyone’s wealth, and the population becomes equally poor; Scheidel noted that these are more common than reducing inequality by decreasing poverty. Pinker argues that the most reliable way to reduce poverty in modern times is through a market economy and government programs that tax the wealthy at higher rates and redistribute citizens’ wealth. This social safety net, or welfare state, became common among most developed nations after World War II, when countries such as Canada, Sweden, Japan, and the US began spending an average of 22% of their GDP on social programs such as health care, education, and assistance. Pinker describes the rise in social spending as an “inexorable tectonic force” (109) and refers to how, despite vocal opposition, US social spending has continued to increase in recent years. “Wagner’s Law” dictates that as a country’s GDPs increases, so does its social spending. Pinker calls this a “manifestation of progress” (109) because it correlates with increased health, education, and prosperity. He notes that the world has no “libertarian paradises” (110) because all developed countries have significant social spending.
However, Pinker acknowledges that social spending’s benefits to a society plateau at about 25% of GDP. All social spending is a combination of “insurance, investment, and charity” (110) that work best if a nation’s people have a strong sense of community. Pinker considers the tension around social spending “inherent” and always “politically contentious” (110). This point restrains his optimism by showing that he doesn’t believe a perfect formula for social spending exists that one day all societies will accept; instead, he anticipates continued political conflict over the issue.
The author transitions to discussing how globalization has increased wealth over the last several decades. Regardless of how one interprets the data, Pinker maintains, globalization “helped the lower and middle classes of poor countries, and the upper class of rich countries, much more than it helped the lower middle class of rich countries” (113). However, from a global perspective, this “tradeoff” was worthwhile in terms of improving people’s quality of life. According to economist Stephen Rose, since 1979, all US citizens, on average, have become wealthier; the middle class is decreasing since more citizens earn enough to be considered upper class. Pinker reiterates his thoughts about the “optimism gap,” noting that most US citizens think the middle-class standard of living has declined in recent years while their own has improved. The increase in overall wealth has been most notable at the bottom of US society; in 2015 and 2016, the poverty rate dropped significantly, and homelessness rates decreased by a third between 2007 and 2015. Moreover, the conditions in which poor Americans live today are far better than they were a century ago: Low-income homes often have modern conveniences such as computers, phones, and appliances. By again referencing the “optimism gap,” Pinker draws attention to the chasm between the reality of the data and people’s perceptions or feelings.
Pinker acknowledges the significant problems in modern economies, including the cost of university tuition, the automation of jobs, a “regressive” US tax system, and the cynicism about the economy, which results in “beggar-thy-neighbor” politics (118). Pinker reiterates that inequality itself isn’t always a negative thing and that its critics should focus more on “specific problems” such as boosting economic growth and encouraging government management of social services like retirement funds and healthcare. Universal basic income may soon become another facet of countries’ social assistance, which could help lower inequality by lifting people out of poverty. In closing the chapter, Pinker reiterates that inequality and poverty aren’t the same thing and emphasizes that societies aren’t becoming dystopian or declining in wealth: “In some ways the world has become less equal, but in more ways the world’s people have become better off” (120). Pinker urges a focus on reducing poverty through proven means rather than responding with panic to news about inequality.
The author acknowledges that environmental problems are real and significant, and he hopes to show—through arguments “grounded in Enlightenment optimism rather than Romantic declinism” (121)—that we’ve made and can continue to make progress in this area. He lauds the environmental movement of the 1960s, which “deserves credit for substantial achievements” (121) in protecting nature.
Pinker argues that some environmentalists espouse a philosophy he calls “greenism” (122), which he compares to religious ideology. Greenism views humans in negative terms, as a kind of virus or parasite that must be reduced to save the earth and avoid a sort of “environmental Judgement Day” (122). He questions whether continuing human progress without negative consequences for nature is possible. He prefers a perspective called eco-pragmatism (or ecomodernism), which contends that people have always created pollution or waste in their landscapes and that living in total harmony with nature is impossible. Even modern-day provincial or national parks are usually established only after Indigenous people have been “decimated or forcibly removed from them” (123). By mentioning this “dirty secret,” Pinker casts doubt on notions of a pristine and untouched wilderness that some environmentalists esteem.
From the eco-pragmatist perspective, farming inherently disrupts nature, and Pinker argues that “natural farming” is nonexistent (123). Moreover, industrialization benefits humanity by providing more nutrition, better healthcare, longer lifespans, and many other conveniences. Additionally, eco-pragmatists argue that new technology can help us live well without damaging the environment.
Pinker summarizes why some environmentalists object to eco-pragmatism, including a dim view of technology, the impression that people will continue to consume as wastefully as they do now, and alarmism about the global population. The author references numerous 20th-century alarmist arguments about overconsumption of natural resources, especially precious minerals and metals, pointing out that none of these predictions came to pass. Instead, societies identified new sources for these goods, shifted to using recycled materials in their products, or developed new technologies. By identifying these poor predictions, Pinker exposes how underestimating government, corporate, and consumer capability to change underlies a poor understanding of how societies can continue to flourish despite environmental challenges. In addition, these examples help support his argument that people shouldn’t assume we’ll suddenly run out of finite resources, since we have the flexibility to switch to more carbon-efficient ways to grow food and heat our homes over time. Thus, we needn’t assume that our consumption of certain goods will remain the same and project it into the future.
To counter “greenism” and its cynicism about civilization, Pinker notes that the US population has only grown since the 1970s, yet we’ve eliminated many air pollutants, and energy use has plateaued. This disproves right-wing arguments that environmentalism has a ruinous effect on the economy, as well as Greenist assumptions that “degrowth” and reducing population are the only paths to decreasing environmental damage.
Other environmental successes include the slowing rate of deforestation, the reforestation of unused farmland, reduction in oil spills, and decreases in lethal forms of pollution such as contaminated drinking water and the smoke that indoor fires create. Additionally, governments have devoted more land to conservation areas, increasing the total amount of the earth’s protected areas to more than 14% of its total land mass. Wildlife conservation efforts have helped save endangered animals such as condors and pandas, and numerous international agreements have helped eliminate harmful chemicals, allowing the ozone layer to begin repairing itself. These successes can continue if people engage in activism, knowledge-sharing, and cooperation to achieve specific goals. Pinker discourages identifying with narratives that frame people as “plunderers” who have an inherently parasitic relationship with the earth.
He argues that one important aspect of progress is the ability to produce more food from the same amount of land. The digital age is helping us reduce what we own and the amount of material in different technologies. The online-based sharing economy enables people to share cars, rooms, and other goods, increasing efficiencies. Pinker notes that these types of progress haven’t occurred due to government intervention or activism: “Something in the nature of technology, particularly information technology, works to decouple human flourishing from the exploitation of physical stuff” (135).
The author synthesizes the causes and possible consequences of climate change, explaining the importance of keeping overall warming to only two degrees Celsius to avoid the worst outcomes, which are likely with a four-degree warming. He calls climate change the “most vigorously challenged scientific hypothesis in history” (137) and notes that the evidence is so overwhelming that of more than 69,000 scientists, only four reject it. He calls efforts to undermine climate science and conspiracy theories that tie scientists to big-government takeover “fanatical and mendacious” (138) and attributes these ideas to politicians whom fossil fuel companies support. Pinker’s strong condemnation of anti-climate-change political activism emphasizes that carbon pollution is a real problem that requires significant attention and problem-solving. This aspect of his argument lends nuance to his analysis and helps him avoid appearing naive or nonchalant.
Pinker disagrees with leftist environmentalists such as Naomi Klein who claim that climate change is more of a human rights issue and necessitates overhauling political systems. Pinker considers her derogatory depiction of quantitative analysis as “‘bean counting’ […] anti-intellectual” (139) because statistics are an important part of understanding trends and events and building fact-based arguments. He expresses both disbelief and disappointment in Klein’s activism against a 2016 US carbon tax (which didn’t pass into law), implying that her puritanical interpretation of right and wrong helped prevent an important milestone in progress against climate change. Pinker’s defense of the value of quantitative thinking in addressing climate change emphasizes the theme Rationality and Quantitative Evidence.
Likewise, Pinker rejects arguments that developing countries shouldn’t industrialize the way that wealthy nations have, to avoid the increased carbon emissions inherent in such progress, because this is an unfair expectation. Furthermore, becoming wealthier will help developing nations better cope with climate change. In addition, he warns against overly moralizing climate-change activism that demonizes fossil fuels and celebrates small, symbolic sacrifices that don’t significantly help the planet.
Pinker argues strongly in favor of a carbon tax because it incentivizes companies and consumers to reduce carbon consumption or switch to carbon-neutral methods. In addition, he lauds nuclear power as a promising alternative to current energy sources because it’s far more efficient than renewable energy sources such as wind and solar farms and requires far less space. Pinker quotes Nordhaus and Shellenberger’s argument: “‘There is no credible path to reducing global carbon emissions without an enormous expansion of nuclear power’” (146). He laments that many people are frightened of nuclear power because of well-known accidents like the Chernobyl disaster but notes that it’s safer than other forms of energy production according to statistics on annual fatalities and other dangers. Nuclear power plants produce denser, cheaper energy much more cleanly than alternative methods. To succeed, Pinker says, society needs “a regulatory environment that is suited to 21th-century challenges rather than 1970s-era technophobia and nuclear dread” (149). Again, he emphasizes the role of reason, equating “nuclear dread” and “technophobia” with emotional reactions based on anecdotal rather than statistical evidence. This too supports the theme Rationality and Quantitative Evidence.
Turning his attention to the future, Pinker offers examples of how humanity might continue to make progress against climate change. He analyzes the various options to produce fewer greenhouse gases and remove them from the atmosphere. Such methods include removing carbon dioxide from smokestacks or the atmosphere by capturing it and pumping it into the ground, or dispersing broken rocks, which absorb carbon as they erode. If our energy feedstocks, or sources, switch to using biomass materials such as forest debris and compost, we could even achieve carbon-negative energy. This method, called “Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage” (151), has been hailed as a “savior technology.” Pinker praises international efforts like the Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius. In addition, he’s hopeful about technologies that help quickly reduce temperatures by blocking sunlight, such as dispersing sulfates or seawater into the air, but warns that this is only helpful if countries cooperate on how to use the technology and don’t consider it an excuse to ignore climate problems. While Pinker doesn’t explicitly state it, these points are an important part of why he’s optimistic about the future and refuses to entertain fatalist, cynical narratives about humans and the environment. By enumerating new technologies and clean energy methods, Pinker urges agreement with his assessment that we’re making progress on environmental issues. He concludes the chapter by reiterating that he believes humans will “rise to the challenge” of meaningfully confronting climate change and that he’s “conditionally optimistic” about continued development and agreements to solve this historic problem.
Pinker discusses violent conflict, which he details at length in his book The Better Angels of Our Nature. Since its publication in 2011, many significant violent conflicts have occurred, including ISIS terrorism and the Syrian civil war. The author argues that war was once very common between governments, especially “great powers.” He uses a 2011 graph by Levy and Thompson to illustrate how, since 1500, great powers have fought each other less frequently. The period after World War II is considered “The Long Peace” (158) because war has significantly declined in recent decades. During this period, the conflicts of the Cold War era ended in South America, Europeans enjoyed more than seven decades of peace, and in Asia the wars in Korea, Vietnam, and China ended. Most of the world’s wars are now civil wars, which unfortunately increased as extremist Islamic groups took up arms against governments in many African and Middle Eastern nations. The Syrian civil war is the worst recent example; it has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. These conflicts represent a rare increase in violent conflict, reversing the trends of The Long Peace, which Pinker emphasizes happened after a “six-decade plunge” (159). Fortunately, genocide rates have decreased; the numbers of people killed in recent genocides committed by ISIS and Boko Haram are much smaller than in previous atrocities in the 20th century. Again, Pinker relies on statistics and graphs to illustrate the steady decline of violent conflict, making his argument against cynicism more effective. The recent “uptick” in war slightly undermines his claim that violent conflict is declining, but Pinker orients this in the context of the long-term trend, emphasizing that overall we’re in a period of relative peace.
Pinker argues that all conflicts begin with ideas and attitudes. Attitudes to war began to shift during the Enlightenment; thinkers like Voltaire and Pascal condemned war, Kant made “practical suggestions” for eliminating war in his work Perpetual Peace, and groups such as the Quakers rejected violent conflict. International trade relationships and the spread of democracy had a pacifying effect too, because countries with democratic governments, or those who trade with each other, are less likely to go to war. Pinker argues that another major factor in the decline of war is that it’s now illegal, and those who violate the law face sanctions and exclusion. He points to Russia’s recent annexation of Crimea as an exception (this book was published before Russia’s attack on the rest of Ukraine) and notes that wars of conquest were far more common before an international pact made them illegal.
Pinker notes that a desire for peace and revulsion toward war seem second-nature to us today but that in previous centuries war was associated with heroism, patriotism, nobility, and manliness. Romantic thinkers like John Ruskin and Emile Zola defended war as inherent to human life—and even a necessary foundation for other pursuits. Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx both saw violent conflict as a positive and cleansing force that ultimately betters society. Pinker connects this “romantic militarism” to the “declinism” prevalent in Germany before World War l and considers these ideologies part of what prompted that devastating conflict. He reveals the pessimism about human nature inherent in war-friendly ideologies and condemns them for their role in creating conflict. This argument helps the author weave in his overall argument that pessimism about people and society is unfounded and causes real harm, emphasizing the theme The Relationship Between Bias, Pessimism, and Declinism.
Pinker laments that many people perceive humans as inherently violent and therefore consider hopes or plans for peace naive and impossible. He argues that we should instead view war as another problem to solve, along with other issues such as poverty and disease. He reiterates that democracy, peacekeeping, trade, and international law are all beneficial tools that help maintain peace between nations. The recent rise in civil wars and other conflicts makes it difficult for Pinker to maintain that violence is declining, so he emphasizes his other points about war and concludes the chapter by warning against romanticism and fatalism—and encouraging a pragmatic, Enlightenment approach.
By Steven Pinker
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