
57 pages 1 hour read

Immanuel Kant

Critique of Pure Reason

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1781

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Prefaces and IntroductionChapter Summaries & Analyses

Preface A and Preface B Summary

Prior to the proper introduction to the book, Kant provides a preface meant to explain the current (late 18th century) state of philosophy and the value of his forthcoming contribution. Kant wrote a preface in 1781 (Preface A) and a new preface in 1787 (Preface B) because he rewrote parts of the book after it made a splash. Kant opens Preface A by noting the “peculiar fate” of the human capacity to reason (5). Reason is faced with questions that it cannot answer but that it must, of practical necessity, ask nevertheless. Reason generates principles based on experience but illegitimately extends the domain of these principles beyond the realm of possible experience. “By doing this,” Kant writes, “human reason plunges into darkness and contradictions” (6).

The intellectual space of inquiry in which these principles are debated is metaphysics. Kant wants to save metaphysics from a variety of problematic philosophical positions including dogmatism, skepticism, “indifferentism,” and the empiricism of philosopher John Locke. For reason’s proper deployment, it must understand itself. For Kant, the critique of pure reason is precisely that “tribunal” via which reason comes to cognize its own limits (8). Such a critique will remove all the misconceptions of reason, thereby paving the way to an accurate metaphysics. This will provide metaphysics with the security to consistently advance in thought.

In the 1787 preface, Kant describes other disciplines of knowledge, like logic and mathematics, that are exemplary of the possibility of advancement in knowledge. The discipline advances at least partly by a priori judgments in which only what is necessary is included. Experience is excluded. Kant proposes a central change in metaphysical inquiry: Instead of attempting to understand how the mind conforms to objects in the world, the philosopher should attempt to understand how objects in the world conform to the structure of the human mind. The critique of reason works to demolish the false pretensions of metaphysicians to knowledge of ultimate reality. By doing so, the critique opens the door to the use of practical reason, which is essential for moral human action. Even though proper theoretical knowledge of God, the soul, and the possibility of freedom is impossible, they are still practically necessary things in which to believe. Kant writes, “I therefore had to annul knowledge in order to make room for faith” (31). To do this, the dogmatic pretensions of metaphysics must be destroyed by the critique. The critique of pure reason is a “propaedeutic” (and introductory study) to a true “system of metaphysics” (39). 

Introduction Summary

Kant makes a distinction between pure cognition and empirical cognition. Empirical cognitions are based on experience of the world and pure cognitions are not. Kant writes that “even though all our cognition starts with experience, that does not mean that all of it arises from experience” (44). A cognition is deemed a priori, and therefore “pure,” if nothing of it originates in experience. A priori propositions always have the properties of necessity and universality; they must always be the case. Reason can easily be led astray when it completely abstracts from experience. To remove this risk while staying true to the metaphysical demand to remain only with a priori propositions, “philosophy needs a science that will determine the possibility, the principles, and the range of all a priori cognitions” (48).

Central to this project is the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments. Kant uses the subject/predicate relation to explain the difference. In analytic judgments the predicate is considered identical with the subject, but in synthetic judgments this is not the case. All empirical (experiential) judgments are synthetic. Though analytic judgments are very important to the distinctness of concepts, it is only through synthesis that new propositions can be formed. Metaphysics must proceed through a priori cognitions that are somehow also synthetic. For Kant, the “general problem of pure reason” is how these synthetic a priori judgments are possible (59). This question leads to another central question which is how metaphysics, scientifically understood, is possible at all. Kant says that this project will require persistence because of the difficulty of the task and because of the resistance the project will encounter from others.

The critique of reason that follows is the first part of an extensive philosophical project Kant calls “transcendental philosophy” (65). Transcendental philosophy is concerned with the nature of human cognition, especially insofar as a priori cognition is possible. Kant claims that human cognition has two fundamental sources: sensibility, through which objects are given to the mind by experience, and understanding, through which these objects are thought. Kant will begin the critique with a transcendental doctrine of sensibility “since the conditions under which alone the objects of human cognition are given to us precede the conditions under which these objects are thought” (68). 

Prefaces and Introduction Analysis

Much of Kant’s work in the prefaces and introduction explain the need for and nature of his project. Although this is a serious theoretical project, the opening of the 1781 (First Edition) preface makes it clear that Kant’s starting point is practical. According to Kant, human reason uses principles that are valuable and useful but when pushed beyond the realm of experience are incoherent and self-contradictory. Still, human reason must ask itself troubling questions that it cannot justifiably answer. Metaphysics is the “combat arena of these endless conflicts” (6).

Kant encounters four discrete types of metaphysical views, all of which, by his assessment, are faulty. Two of these include dogmatism and skepticism, which appear to be engaged in an antiquated battle between fundamentally baseless (but dogmatically asserted) claims on metaphysical truth, and a disturbing, eccentric skepticism about the validity of any claims on truth. For Kant, Leibniz and Hume are the greatest representatives of these views in the modern age, and he surely has them in mind here. John Locke’s empiricism represents an alternative to dogmatism and skepticism, but it fails to prove anything with necessity since it reduces knowledge to that gathered through the senses. Most unfortunate is an “indifferentism” that rejects the value of metaphysics in total. This is born of a spiritual weariness in Kant’s epoch that he thinks needs addressing. The old types of philosophical views have failed to contend with, and have perhaps even caused, this indifference. Thus, there is a practical requirement for a new kind of metaphysics, which Kant’s transcendental idealism aims to embody.

The indifferentism that Kant sees as so widespread functions, he writes, as “a call to reason to take on once again the most difficult of all its tasks–viz., that of self-cognition–and to set up a tribunal that will make reason secure in its rightful claims and will dismiss all baseless pretensions” (8). For Kant, this tribunal is the critique of pure reason, a project whose importance cannot be overstated since it avoids the illegitimate despotism of the dogmatists, the itinerant emptiness of the skeptics, and the unscientific, potential fanaticism of the empiricists. Indifferentism, “the mother of chaos and night,” is also addressed because Kant is attempting to provide metaphysics with a solid foundation, one that is solely based on necessary conditions and not on mere opinion.

Kant makes clear in the 1787 (Second Edition) preface that he cares about three metaphysical objects: “God, freedom, and immortality” (31). None of these can ever be known by reason directly, and so once again it is the practical importance of the concept that is essential. Kant’s transcendental idealism is a practical philosophy that seeks to situate human beings in the proper relationship with God, freedom, and immortality, by proving what we can and cannot know about them. In doing so, Kant hopes to overcome the dogmatists, skeptics, and indifferentists. If he can convince others that transcendental philosophy can do this, then he will not only change the way we think, but also the way we behave. It is an enlightened attempt at the transformation of the world: “Hence the primary and most important concern of philosophy is to deprive metaphysics, once and for all, of its detrimental influence, by obstructing the source of its error” (32). In part, this foreshadows the work Kant will undertake in a later division of the book, the “Transcendental Dialectic

The Critique of Pure Reason is Kant’s attempt at such a criticism of metaphysics. The introduction to the second edition outlines, in seven distinct sections, how to arrive at the nature of such a critique, and thus it sets the stage for the remainder of the work. The subtitle for the third section sums up the underlying practical reason for this rigorous theoretical enterprise: “Philosophy Needs a Science That Will Determine the Possibility, the Principles, and the Range of All A Priori Cognitions”(48). Indispensable assumptions and questions are raised in the introduction, especially the question as to the possibility of synthetic a priori judgments, as well as the distinction between sensibility and understanding. Kant writes: “Human cognition has two stems, viz. sensibility and understanding, which perhaps spring from a common root, though one unknown to us. Through sensibility objects are given to the mind; through understanding they are thought” (67). These two primal sources of cognition are of central importance to Kant’s distinction between experience and the operations of pure reason independent of experience. They will be of critical importance going forward. 

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