46 pages • 1 hour read
Mindy McginnisA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Ashley wakes around noon the following day and can see bones and tendon protruding from her injured foot. She is incredibly thirsty and drinks from a stream nearby before pulling herself to her feet. The pain in her foot almost makes her black out, but she refuses to call for help, deciding instead to try to find her way back to camp. She starts looking for the way she came the previous night but finds no signs of the right direction or the white blazes on trees that mark the main hiking trail. She makes slow progress on her one good foot. Ashley notices sounds from birds and squirrels and realizes that noise from animals must mean that her friends aren’t nearby; if they were, the animals would be silent and on their guard. She finally starts to call for her friends, but no one answers.
Ashley realizes that upon seeing Duke’s broken nose that morning, her friends probably concluded that Ashley and Duke had a fight and Ashley hiked back to town. They probably took her backpack with them when they left, thinking they did her a favor. Rain starts to fall, and Ashley laments that she is not only injured and alone in the woods but also menstruating and without tampons. She detaches her sleeve from her t-shirt (an old softball team shirt) to use as a wrap for her foot and reflects on the ways she proved herself as a valuable player on the softball team with her dad’s friends. Once her foot is bandaged, she falls asleep despite the soaking rain.
Ashley’s foot is throbbing, and she is “freezing” when she wakes up (52). However, she quickly corrects her language; she did almost freeze once several years ago during a cold snap when she went outside her trailer and almost didn’t make it back. Her dad found her in the snow, but she would have frozen to death otherwise. Ashley is also hungry, but hunger is familiar to her. She went without food for days at a time in the past when her dad didn’t have enough money for groceries. In those times, Meredith would notice and take care of Ashley by bringing an extra sandwich to school for her.
Ashley checks her foot for infection when the sun comes out. She doesn’t see any infection yet but knows that it can come on quickly and, by then, it’s too late to stop. She thinks she probably has about three days before people realize she never made it home; her dad is working overtime and sleeping at a friend’s, so he won’t realize she isn’t home. Ashley decides that she needs a goal for the day. Setting a goal helps her fight through pain and fatigue when she runs cross country, so she makes the goal of walking two miles in the same direction that day. She makes a sling for her injured foot using her shirt so that her foot is tied behind her bottom. She decides to head west and has a good sense of direction, but she realizes that the leaning caused by her injury will pull her south.
After walking for three hours, she stops for a drink at a stream but falls backward and lands on her injured foot. While trying to recover from the overwhelming pain, she thinks of Duke and the time she spent at his house. With the presence of his five younger siblings, Duke’s house was always full of noise and activity. However, when Duke’s father came home, silence would ensue, a sign of the kind of fear Duke’s father evoked in his children. Ashley soaks her foot in the icy stream water, which helps to numb the pain, and she tries pressing different parts of her foot to assess the damage of her injury. She experiences intense pain after barely touching the base of her two smallest toes. After recovering from the initial shock, she presses again and pus comes out from under the skin. Her foot is infected.
When Ashley hears thunder in the distance, she starts to build a shelter. As she gathers branches, she finds a worm and eats it, knowing it contains energy that she needs. She also thinks of Davey Beet as she works, the person who taught her all her wilderness skills. Ashley’s dad sent her to Camp Little Fish, a Christian camp, the summer she was 10 years old and in subsequent summers. Davey, five years older than Ashley, was a counselor there. She went on one of his wilderness hikes and immediately found that she respected him. She listened intently as he talked to campers about survival skills.
Ashley finishes her shelter just as the rain starts to fall, and she builds a fire using friction, another skill Davey taught her. Ashley always had a crush on Davey, but he didn’t see her that way because of their age gap. Davey did admire Ashley’s attitude and mind, though. He nicknamed her “Ass-kicker Ashley” when she hit a camper on the head with a stick for throwing a toad in the fire (78). During Ashley’s third summer at Camp Little Fish, she was the only camper to sign up for Davey’s wilderness hikes. Among many other outdoor skills, he taught her to identify birds and mushrooms and to track animals in the woods. A few years ago, however, Davey walked into the Smoky Mountains after his girlfriend broke his heart, and he was never seen again. When Ashley first heard about his disappearance, she was shocked. If anyone had the knowledge to survive in the Smokies, it was Davey. If he didn’t make it in these woods, Ashley wonders what chance she has at survival.
When Ashley wakes up on day three, a possum is chewing on her injured foot. She throws a stick to scare it away and removes her t-shirt bandage to examine her foot. When she smells the stench of rotting flesh and sees that her pinkie toe is almost gone from the possum, she knows that part of her foot is dead and will need to be amputated. Red runs up her ankle, a sign of the infection spreading. Ashley continues hobbling west, with no idea if she is headed toward civilization or not. At midday, she rests near some clovers and eats some of the leaves. Ashley has always hated litter, but now she longs to see a sign that another human passed this way. She always sought solitude in nature, but now that she has it, she misses human companionship. Ashley reflects on a memory from when she was young, when she saw a dying raccoon being followed by a buzzard. Even though the raccoon knew it was dying, it kept walking, looking over its shoulder at the buzzard. Ashley took pity on the raccoon and shot the buzzard, wanting the raccoon to see its adversary die first; she then shot the raccoon to end its misery. In this moment, Ashley feels like the raccoon, looking over her shoulder and trying to stay a few steps ahead of death. She continues walking and stops for water a mile later. She eats more edible plants that she finds near the stream and builds a fire for the night. As darkness falls, she sees the blinking red light of a plane overhead and feels the separation between herself and civilization.
Days 1 through 3 build tension as Ashley realizes the bleakness of her situation and as her circumstances progress from bad to worse. McGinnis highlights the many issues Ashley faces, such as uncertainty about where she is, the severity of her foot injury, and her lack of supplies. Furthermore, Ashley surmises that no one will know to come looking for her for at least three days. These issues build both tension and a sense of dread, but they also reveal Ashley’s perseverance and self-reliance. She takes inventory of the items she has with her, such as her t-shirt, rather than wishing for items she does not have, like the pack she left behind at the campsite. Ashley also confronts her injury and assesses it honestly, not lying to herself about how severe it is. For example, she pokes the part of her foot that hurts the most to check for infection. Ashley also copes when her situation worsens, such as when she falls on her injured foot. McGinnis shows that Ashley is no stranger to pain and adversity. She has known hunger from times at home when her dad wasn’t making enough money to buy groceries for the week. She experienced life-threatening cold when she almost froze to death in the snow outside her trailer. Ashley’s personality and life experiences make her tough and strong-willed, and these traits help her problem-solve and cope with her survival situation head-on despite mounting challenges.
McGinnis provides information about Ashley’s family and background in bits and pieces, using flashbacks and explanations that link with what Ashley is going through or thinking about. For instance, the story of Ashley’s participation in a co-ed softball team links to the t-shirt she’s wearing (the team jersey) and shows Ashley’s tough, competitive, never-back-down attitude. Other flashbacks reveal that Ashley has grown up in a trailer with her dad since her mom left. Ashley has a close relationship with her dad but only occasional contact with her mom. Although her father works hard, his pay is sometimes not enough to buy food. McGinnis’s use of flashbacks provides insight into Ashley’s character and home life that helps the reader get to know her outside of her current survival circumstances.
McGinnis also highlights influences in Ashley’s life that have molded her personality and her approach to her survival situation. Ashley’s cross-country coach, for example, taught her to set goals and see herself as her own biggest competitor. These lessons help Ashley in the woods, and she sets goals for herself each day to stay motivated. Another influence in Ashley’s life is Davey Beet. He fostered her love for the outdoors and taught her the skills she uses now to stay alive. Ashley’s unrequited romantic interest in him and the mystery surrounding his disappearance create tension in the novel; his character also functions to explain how Ashley became an experienced outdoorswoman and gained the skills she now uses to stay alive.
McGinnis develops a few of the novel’s themes in this section. She addresses The Human Impact on Nature as Ashley laments the human tendency to leave behind litter and other signs of human presence in nature. Ashley always loved the solitude of natural places untouched by humans, but, ironically, she now longs to see signs of human presence. McGinnis juxtaposes Ashley’s isolation in the forest she loves and her struggle for survival to demonstrate her need for human relationship. She also reminds readers of the impact humans have on nature simply by walking through it, and she shows the importance of leaving parts of nature untouched. Another theme McGinnis develops is The Will to Survive. Ashley reflects on the story of the buzzard following the dying raccoon to illustrate how “living things will fight to stay that way” (89). Similarly, Ashley’s survival spirit is strong; even though the odds are against her, she continues to walk despite pain, uncertainty of her direction, hunger, fatigue, and cold. Her willpower and survival instinct keep her from giving up.
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