60 pages • 2 hours read
David HarveyA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
In Chapter 3, Harvey describes the difference between neoliberal theory and its practice. He begins by giving a summary of the theoretical neoliberal state. The key belief of neoliberal theory is that the state, or a government, “should favour strong individual private property rights, the rule of law, and the institutions of freely functioning markets and free trade” (64). In this view, free markets are the best way to reduce poverty. The state should use its power to ensure free markets and the rule of law while reducing barriers to trade, such as tariffs and regulation, but it should not support individuals. Instead, individuals are responsible for all of their own outcomes, such as paying for health care costs. Internationally, states should work together through institutions like the G8 to ensure low barriers to trade between countries. Neoliberal theory holds that democratic power could threaten this framework and therefore seeks to insulate regulatory institutions like central banks from democratic control.
In the section entitled “Tensions and Contradictions,” Harvey outlines some of the ways that applied neoliberalism differs from its ideal theory. First, while neoliberals do not find commercial monopolies problematic, they oppose state monopolies, even where “‘natural monopolies’” exist, such as in the case of electricity or railways. It creates chaos and poor outcomes when there are multiple companies competing for the same railway route, for example. Second, free markets create negative “externalities” that are not taken care of by private industry, such as pollution, which can hurt the labor pool, through illness and disease. Neoliberals might allow for some state intervention in these situations but hold that these should be done through the creation of new markets, such as pollution credits. Likewise, state intervention may provide solutions to competitive failures like hospitals buying up sophisticated equipment that goes underutilized but drives up the cost in the market. However, neoliberals reject this possibility. Another tension is that neoliberal theory holds that all market actors have equal access to information, but in practice this is rarely true, leading to monopolies and “rent seeking,” a term for generating wealth without producing anything new, such as when companies hold patents on a technology and refuse to let other producers use it.
Neoliberal theory holds that competition will generate new technologies. However, this results in “a fetish belief: that there is a technological fix for each and every problem” (68). This can result in technological solutions in search of a problem but can also destabilize society.
One of the key contradictions between neoliberal theory and practice that Harvey identifies is the idea of individual free choice. While neoliberal theory holds that individuals should have free association, in practice neoliberals do not want them choosing to form unions or political parties that would limit the free market. They rely on undemocratic institutions, such as the IMF, propaganda, and police violence to curb this activity.
In the section “The Neoliberal State in Practice,” Harvey describes the common features of existing neoliberal states, while acknowledging that there are many unique differences between them. First, a neoliberal state privileges business over the quality of people’s lives. Second, it preserves the financial system’s solvency (ability to meet debts) over well-being or environmental concerns. Further, neoliberal states will often abandon strict neoliberal principles for political reasons, such as protecting agriculture while insisting on free trade in all other markets. In other examples, neoliberal states will not pursue neoliberal policies because of specific historical legacies, such as Scandinavian commitments to a large welfare state. Developing countries engaging in neoliberalism tend to be more interventionist because they are seeking to compete on the world market and therefore invest more in education, for example.
One of the largest contradictions between neoliberal theory and practice can be found in the tendency for neoliberal states to bail out financial institutions when they fail. In theory, financial institutions are responsible for their own poor investments. In reality, the state will bail them out for overspeculation or in the event of a market crash. One example of this occurred in 1982, when New York investment banks threatened to crash as a result of the potential bankruptcy of Mexico. In response, Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of the Treasury worked with the IMF to restructure Mexico’s debt and save the New York banks. As a result, in this example and others, developing nations subsidize developed ones, such as the United States. Effectively, “reckless investments should be punished by losses to the lender, but the state makes lenders largely immune to losses. Borrowers have to pay up instead, no matter what the social cost” (74). Even when debt is written off, it comes with structural adjustment policy requirements that result in economic crises, which Harvey discusses in more detail in Chapter 4.
The neoliberal state is particularly concerned with disciplining labor by enforcing flexible employment practices. Since workers have less access to information and movement (such as across borders) than the elite class, this puts them at a disadvantage in the market. In the meantime, the state has reduced access to welfare, which makes workers even more precarious.
Neoliberalism has changed the structure of the state itself. A neoliberal state works closely with business to provide services and write legislation. Under a public-private framework, the state takes on all the risk while companies earn profits. To protect advantages like these, the neoliberal state seeks to discipline workers who oppose the free-market system or are considered excess to it, such as through mass incarceration in the United States. In theory, neoliberalism seeks to avoid the control of the state by special interests. In reality, neoliberalism pushes the state to act in the special interests of corporations. In theory, people have access to the legal system to ensure their rights are protected. In reality, corporations have access to funds that help them win cases. Rather than doing away with the state, neoliberalism has fundamentally changed how it works.
Harvey then briefly lists a number of other contradictions between neoliberal theory and practice: 1) the use of nationalism despite the theoretical belief in international free trade, 2) neoliberal states require authoritarianism to maintain free markets, 3) the volatility created by deregulation, 4) the tendency of free markets toward monopoly rather than competition, and 5) the dissolution of society because commercialization creates anti-social behaviors and result in dangerous forms of authoritarian populism.
In the final section, “The Neoconservative Answer,” Harvey describes how neoconservatives, such as George W. Bush, have responded to these contradictions. Like neoliberals, they are supportive of free markets and authoritarianism. However, they seek to limit and order individual choices and use morality to create social bonds. One method they use to do this is to emphasize nationalism and militaristic responses to threats such as “Radical Islam” (83). They also promote moral issues associated with evangelical Christianity, such as the importance of family and anti-gay, anti-feminist rhetoric, to create social cohesion. Harvey notes that this kind of response is also found in other countries, such as the rise of right-wing fascism in Europe. While, generally speaking, nationalism is essential to the survival of the neoliberal state, the neoconservative form of nationalism may turn what seems like a solution to neoliberal theory’s contradictions into a problem for global free markets and individual choice.
In Chapter 3, Harvey describes how neoliberal theory differs from neoliberalism in practice. There is a set of stated theoretical principles to which neoliberal advocates claim to adhere. By describing how these theoretical principles are not adhered to when applied as policy, Harvey argues that the stated goal of neoliberalism (freedom) differs from its actual goal (“to restore [elite] class power;” 70).
A key driver of these deviations between theory and reality comes from the Political Dynamics of Neoliberalism. In a democracy, politicians are limited by their ability to appeal to an electorate. They want to pass policies that will help them win elections. However, neoliberal theory would have them pass policies that might not be popular with certain segments of the electorate. One example of this dynamic is President Bush’s imposition of steel tariffs (a tariff is a tax on imports or exports of a particular product). Under neoliberal theory, all tariffs between nation states should be abolished to help ease trade and limit the restriction of the market. A high steel tariff makes it more expensive for firms to import steel from overseas, particularly China. This protects domestic (local) steel producers, allowing them to compete with the price of steel, and the tariff thereby supports the local economy. In the United States, the state of Ohio is an important producer of steel. By imposing steel tariffs, President Bush went against neoliberal policies but helped businesses in Ohio and his own electoral chances. As Harvey argues, this indicates an instance where neoliberal practice deviates from neoliberal theory. It further underscores Harvey’s claim that the ultimate goal of neoliberalism is not freedom but rather the protection and advancement of the elite’s interests. For example, because it made him more attractive to Ohio voters, and thus more likely to garner support for himself and his party, President George W. Bush chose a state intervention that fundamentally belies the tenets of neoliberal theory.
In other cases, national culture and historical political dynamics make certain neoliberal policies unpopular or unfeasible. A common example of this is found in what Harvey calls “developmental states.” These are countries with historically less-advanced economies, such as South Korea, which for centuries was primarily an agrarian economy. Rather than pursuing strictly neoliberal policies, which would require minimal intervention in education and infrastructure, the South Korean government needed to invest in these domains in order to compete in the neoliberal economy. This highlights an internal contradiction in neoliberal theory as described by Harvey: In some instances, states have to engage in Keynesianism—in other words, state spending to bolster the economy and support the welfare of citizens—in order to fulfill the requirements of neoliberal states. Harvey’s argument thus suggests that neoliberalism is fundamentally at odds with the kinds of efforts––such as the implementation of public education, health, and transportation initiatives—that allow a nation state to institute neoliberal policy.
Harvey is specifically focused in this chapter on the rise of neoconservatism and its impact on neoliberal policy. In a liberal free market, there are few limits on what can be sold. For example, a company can choose to sell goods marketed to LGBTQ+ people. Neoconservatism seeks to limit this “unbridled individualism” by imposing restrictions on the free market (82), not through direct state intervention but rather through a robust civil society that reinforces a certain moral framework (in the context of the United States, a Judeo-Christian framework) that opposes this unwanted form of individualism. This is counter to strict neoliberal ideas of a free market. While the label of neoconservatism is no longer dominant in American politics, this is a clear example of how domestic politics and culture can restrict pure neoliberal policies. It is also an indication that Harvey wants to escape a broad scope for neoliberalism: He wants to show that political ideologies by another name—in this case, neoconservatism—still fall under the umbrella of neoliberalism.
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